
My Life

Life begins with nature spirits and will return again kea lam spirits. But when we diahirkan, in fact we've written our way of life, how risky we, badah us, reward us and our sins. Now live how we live in this world who just bersfat moment. Pleasures of the world's only for a moment, just a glance. Better we elaborated for pleasure hereafter. Better we are now difficult for us hereafter.
In life all started from a dream, Dream as high and continue to fight for menngapai dreams, never give up. It is true that this life will be many problems, but do not we make it as a barrier, but made ​​as a trigger of our spirit friends. Do you feel depressed because of a problem, but an issue we better enjoy it, we live with all my heart, with sincerity, with a stoic, god willing, PROBLEMS WILL BE BERKAH for us.
The more mature a person more and more problems, and increasingly must be prepared in the face. For example courtship, if someone has a problem with the heart, it would be difficult to handle. In courtship we can not be free, there is always a problem we will face, there peratura-binding rules, and so forth. Actually not a time for us to date while still under age. This means that minors have the emotional control. Most people think of dating to know each other, but not because of a courtship always want to look good in front of her partner, so he covered all the shortcomings for the sake of their partner.
Live life with courage, living life with worship, way of life to believe in Allah, Surely we will always be in his protection.
The problem is an obstacle, hurdle is our life, do not avoid the problem but let's face the problem, consider it a blessing from GOD

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