
Tourist attractions in North Sumatra

Some Place Other Attractions In North Sumatra
Here are some places that might become a tourist attraction destination rangakaian list that should exist in the lake toba kujungi. I hope to not forget this info. the following:

Taman Wisata Iman (TWI)/ Sidikalang / District. Dairi: This is a miniature of the diversity of religions that exist in Indonesia. In this attraction, there are several miniature houses of worship. Besides the attraction has an exciting scene, there selling souvenirs that cool-cool.

salib Kasih / Tarutung / North Tapanuli: This is the first time where a missionary named I. L. Nomensen began his work to spread the teachings of Christian Batak ground. In this place there is a large cross located on top of a hill and has a beautiful view from the top of the hill we could see the whole city Tarutung. And there is also a prayer room for Christians to worship with wisdom and there is also a profile and history of the life and work of a missionary I. L. Nomensen. it is also in this place also sells some souvenirs typical of the cross of love. in the cross you also have provision for the lodging of you who want to enjoy the nature of the cross of love.

Sipiso piso Waterfall / Tongging / District. Karo: Piso Waterfall was named the Indonesian language is the knife. As the name implies a sharp as a knife because of the height of this waterfall reaches 120 m with a rocky bottom that does not allow the visitors to instantly stood just below the base of the waterfall. From this place we can see the beauty of lake toba because the water that falls directly flowing into the lake toba.

Berastagi / Kab. Karo: The area is located in Tanah Karo district. This area is a mountainous area. Which is characteristic of this area is the plantation of vegetables and fruits. However, the most typical is the field of citrus fruits and marquisa terrain into terrain of civic pride.


Loncat Batu / Nias / kab. Nias: Formerly it was the tradition of the people of Nias. This tradition has been hereditary for society nias. For boys from traditional nias capable of skipping stones are a sign that the child already has a pretty kedawasaan.

Maimun palace

Maimun palace is one of the iconic city of Medan, North Sumatra, is located in the village Talbot, Medan Maimun district.
Designed by Italian architect and built by the Sultan of Deli, Ma'mun Al Rashid Mighty Alamsyah in 1888, Maimun Palace has an area of
​​2772 m2 and 30 rooms.
Maimun palace became a tourist destination not only because of old age, but also a unique interior design, combining elements of Malay cultural heritage, with a style of Islam, Spain, India and Italy, but unfortunately keadaanya less neglected now. If we pass this place in the afternoon, we could even see kids playing soccer in the courtyard of this palace.

Lake Toba


Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called the island.
Lake Toba has long been an important tourist destination in North Sumatra, in addition to Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic and foreign tourists.
Public confidence around saying, there is a legend about the emergence of Toba lake itself. Here's the story. Ancient times, there is a fisherman named TOBA. One day, he was fishing in the river. Fish, fish type Mas. He took the fish home. No taunya, fish, talking to TOBA. He was very surprised. Fish were asked not to eat his TOBA. Changed the fish into a beautiful woman. Toba fell in love with her. They got married. But toba must be eligible when they have children later, TOBA is not acceptable to say that their child is a child fish. Toba meet her. They had a son named Naidoo. Toba switch jobs become "pangula" or farmer. Naidoo grew into a naughty child. One day, Naidoo told to eat his mother drove to his father who was working in the fields. But the middle of the road, dropping Samosir. Samosir picked it up and put back into place. He gave to his father. Toba is very angry. he said "do botul Na ho ni dengke children. Dang suman pangalahom songon jolma. Lao cyan on dengke ho". Meaning "You really are a child fish. Not suitable for your character is like a human being. Go Fish out of here. Apparently, from a distance, she heard it. Naidoo then ran to her mother, crying. Toba realized his deeds. Suddenly, lightning appears and seized. Rain fell and streams overflowed. Naidoo told his mother to go to the mountain and climb trees too Cleaner. His mother returned to Mas fish. The river had turned into a lake named Lake Toba. Gununug had been turned into islands in the middle of the lake, given the samosir island's name. Until now Lake Toba and Samosir island is very famous. Names are both used as the name of one of the districts of Toba Samosir regency in North Sumatra province.
It is estimated that Lake Toba explosion occurred at about 73000-75000 years ago and is a Supervolcano eruption (super volcano) the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner of Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed out of the mountain as much as 2800 km ³, with 800 km ³ of rock and 2,000 km ³ overlies the volcanic ash which is expected in the wind to the west for 2 weeks. Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from China to South Africa. The explosion occurred during a week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level.
This incident caused mass death and in some species also followed extinction. According to some DNA evidence, this eruption also reduced the number of people to about 60% of the total human population of the earth at that time, which is about 60 million people. The eruption also caused the ice age, although experts are still debating.
After the eruption, the caldera formed which is then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Upward pressure by magma that has not come out cause the appearance of the island.
International multidisciplinary research team, led by Dr. Michael Petraglia, revealed in a press conference in Oxford, the United States that has found a new archaeological site that is quite spectacular by the geologist in the south and north India. On the site it is revealed how people survive, before and after volcanic eruptions (Supervolcano) in Toba 74,000 years ago, and evidence of life under a heap of ashes of Mount Toba. Though the source of the eruption within 3,000 miles, from the distribution of ashes.
For seven years, experts from Oxford University is researching ecosystem project in India, to look for evidence of life and the lives they left behind equipment in a barren desert. Area with an area of
​​thousands of hectares of this was only the savanna (grassland). While the scattered bones of animals. The team concluded, quite large area was covered with dust from this ancient volcanic eruption.
The spread of volcanic dust is very broad, found almost worldwide. Supervolcano eruption comes from an ancient, namely Mount Toba. Allegations leading to Mount Toba, because it found evidence of volcanic dust molecules form the same point in 2100. Since the caldera crater, now a lake Toba in Indonesia, up to 3000 miles, from the source of the eruption. In fact, surprisingly enough, it turns out that the spread of dust caught up to the North Pole. This is reminiscent of the experts, how powerful the super volcano Toba eruption at the time.

Samosir Island is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba in North Sumatra province. An island in the island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level makes

This island became an island that attracted the attention of tourists.
Tuktuk is the center of the concentration of tourists in the island. From Parapat, Tuktuk can be connected with the ferry crossing. In addition to water transportation, Samosir Island can also be achieved by land through Pangururan as the place where Samosir Island and the island of Sumatra in touch.
Samosir Island itself is located in the new Regency Naidoo expanded in 2003 from the former District Toba-Samosir.
In this island there are also two small lakes as a tourist area is Lake and Lake Aek Sidihoni Natonang who earned the nickname "the lake on the lake".

Nias Heritage Museum
Since 1972 one of his Catholic missionary named Father Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. already started collecting cultural objects, art and history of the people of Nias. Eventually his collection of more and more, and he meticulously recorded the name and usefulness of each. Of the many collections that are owned, Pastor Johannes propose to the Council of the Order of the Capuchin Province of his order to establish a museum Sibolga Nias.
Plan the establishment of Nias Heritage Museum has encountered many obstacles because many procedures and requirements for the establishment of a museum has not been known before. Thankfully Foundation-Jakarta Nusantara Jaya, giving instructions and information on the establishment of a museum and encouraged to set up a foundation which is responsible for the survival of the museum. Nusantara Jaya Foundation also recommends getting in touch with the Directorate of Museum as an agency that handles foster and museums all over Indonesia.
Under the guidance of the Foundation Nusantara Jaya, on April 19, 1991, Pastor Johannes acting on behalf of the Council of the Order of the Capuchin Province of Sibolga facing Notary Nias Heritage Foundation to establish a Legal Entity Nias Heritage Museum by notarial deed No. 4 of 1991.

After the Nias Heritage Foundation established, then the foundation to the relationship with the Directorate of Museum. Through the Director of the Nias Heritage Museum Foundation finally obtain the complete instructions. Finally, through SK Nias Regent KDH Tk. I Nias, get out of Building Permit (IMB) Nias Heritage Museum with a number: 646.1/626/SK/1992 consisting of 4 (four) pavilion and 1 (one) special pavilion where a collection of stones Megalit.

From the results of Nias Heritage Foundation, reporting to the Directorate of Museum and requests the establishment of the Nias Heritage Museum Kakanwil Prop MOEC. North Sumatra, on the date. 16 September 1993 Establishment Permit issued by the Nias Heritage Museum
Kakanwil Prop MOEC. North Sumatra with a number: 7009/I05/J/93.14.

Gunung Leuser National Park
Mount Leuser National Park, commonly abbreviated TNGL is one of the Nature Conservation Areas in Indonesia covering an area of
​​1,094,692 hectares which government administration is located in the two Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra.
This national park takes its name from the towering Mount Leuser with a height of 3404 meters above sea level in Aceh. This national park includes the original ecosystem of the coast to high mountains covered by dense typical tropical rain forest, managed by the zoning system used for the purpose of research, science, education, culture, tourism, and recreation.
Mount Leuser National Park has 3 (three) functions, namely: a. protection of life support systems; b. preserving species diversity of plants and animals and their ecosystems; c. sustainable use of biological resources and ecosystems.

Mount Sibayak
Sibayak mountain located high didataran Karo with a height of 2094 m above sea level. Mountain peak state already devastated by the eruption in the past this could be achieved from two places, namely: from the village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and from the city Brastagi. Mount Sibayak gunng fire is still active.

Sinabung Mount
Panorama at the peak of Sinabung no less beautiful, the second highest peak in northern Sumatra (North Sumatra) that has a height of 2451 m.dpl. The only mountain in North Sumatra that is only found in Lake berkakikan Sinabung. Lake Lau Kawar has a natural charm that is so stunning especially the lake was guarded like a top Lancuk. Lancuk is one of the high peaks Karo Sinabung neighboring mountains. Sinabung a Strato volcano type or layered.

Asu Island
The moments before dusk on the island of Asu, Sirombu District, Nias District, an interesting sight for the surfers on the island.
Crystal clear sea and white sand beaches that are still maintained to be a fun place to relieve fatigue and playing with local residents.

History Tours
  1. Maimoon Palace
  2. Great Mosque of Al Mashun


  3. Cannon Butt
  4. Shri Mariamman Temple
  5. Mosque Al-Osmani
  6. Mosque Azizi Langkat
  7. Mosque Sulaimaniayah Perbaungan
  8. Serdang Sultan Palace Sultan Arif Dar City Galuh
  9. Great Mosque of Sultan Basyaruddin
  10. Sultan Mosque Rays
  11. Suleymaniye Mosque Coast Mirror
  12 Tomb Kings Serdang

  - Cultural Tourism
  1. Hambo Stone
  2. Twelve dance Serampang

  - Religious Tourism
  1. Garden of Faith Tourism Dairi

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