
Lodeh (Lodeh)

Bahan (Ingredients):
1 buah kluwih (1 piece kluwih)
1 ons daging tetelan (1 ounce of meat tetelan)
½ buah kelapa (½ coconut)
1 balok tempe agak masam  (1 block tempeh a little sour)
5 butir bawang merah (5 red onions)
2 siung bawang putih  (2 cloves garlic)
5 buah cabai merah (5 red chilies)
5 buah cabai hijau (5 green chilies)
1 sendok teh ketumbar (1 teaspoon coriander)
½ sendok makan gula merah (½ tablespoon of brown sugar)
Sedikit terasi garam secukupnya (A little shrimp paste salt to taste)

Cara membuatnya (How to make):
Kupas buah kluwih, cuci, potong-potong kasar,rebus.tirskan.kelapa diparut, jadikan 2 gelas santan kental. Cuci daging tetelan, rebus, diiris-iris kecil masukan kembali kedalam air kaldu.
Cabai merah, cabai hijau dibuang isinya, cuci, diiris-iris serong. Tempe diiris-iris balik kecil. Semua bumbu lainya ditumpuk halus, lalu direbus dalam kaldu bersama irisan tempe, didihkan.
Masukan potongan kluwih dan tuangkan santan kental, aduk-aduk terus agar santan tidak pecah. Masak terus hingga semuanya matang. Hidangkan dalam keadaan tertutup.
(Peel the fruit kluwih, washed, chopped coarse, shredded rebus.tirskan.kelapa, make 2 cups thick coconut milk. Tetelan Wash meat, boiled, sliced ​​small input back into the broth.
Red peppers, green peppers removed its contents, wash, sliced ​​oblique. Tempe sliced ​​through the small. All other condiments are stacked smooth, then simmered in broth with slices of tempeh, bring to a boil.
Put kluwih pieces and pour the coconut milk, stir in coconut milk, stirring constantly so it does not break. Continue to cook until everything is cooked. Serve in a closed state).

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