
Kering Tempe (Tempe dry)

Bahan (Ingredients):
3 potong tempe (3 pieces of tempe)
Minyak goreng secukupnya (Cooking oil to taste)

Bumbu (Seasonings):
2 siung bawang merah goring (2 spring onions fried)
1 potong lengkuas (1 piece of galangal)
3 buah cabe merah (3 pieces of red pepper)
Garam, asam, gula, dan vitsin (Salts, acids, sugars, and vitsin)

Cara membuatnya (How to make):
Tempe diiris kecil-kecil lalu digoreng sampai kering. Cabe merah digoreng pula setelah dirajang. Tumislah bumbu-bumbu dengan diberi air sedikit. Tunggu sampai membuih baru tempe dimasukkan, menyusul cabe dan bawang merah digoreng. Kaau kurang manis tambahkan gula.
(Tempe sliced ​​into small pieces and fried until dry. Fried red chillies chopped well after. Tumislah spices with a little water given. Wait until the new foam put tempe, following the fried peppers and onions. KAAU less sweet add sugar).

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