
Mendol Tempe (Mendol Tempe)

Bahan (Ingredients):
5 potong tempe sedang (5 pieces of tempeh)
Minyak goreng secukupnya (Cooking oil to taste)

Bumbu (Seasonings):
3 siung bawang putih (3 cloves garlic)
1 potong kencur (1 piece kencur)
1 lembar daun jeruk purut (1 kaffir lime leaves)
2 buah cabe merah (2 pieces of red pepper)
Cabe rawit menurut selera (Cayenne pepper according to taste)
Garam dan vitsin secukupnya (Salt to taste and vitsin)

Cara membuat (How to make):
Bumbu dihaluskan semuanya. Tempe diiris untuk kemudian dihaluskan pula bersama bumbu hingga halus benar. Dibentuk lonjong kemudian digoreng.
(Seasoning mashed it all. Tempe is also sliced ​​and then mashed with seasoning until completely smooth. Oval shaped then fried).

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