
Krengsengan (Krengsengan)

Bahan (Ingredients):
¼ kg daging kambing/sapi (¼ kg mutton / beef)
4 sendok makan petis udang (4 tablespoons of shrimp paste)
4 sendok makan minyak goring (4 tablespoons cooking oil)
4 gelas air  (4 cups water)

Bumbu  (Seasonings):
1 sendok teh lada  (1 teaspoon pepper)
6 buah cabe rawit (Cayenne pepper 6 pieces)
2 siung bawang putih (2 cloves garlic)
2 buah tomat (2 tomatoes)
1 sendok makan garam (1 tablespoon salt)
2 sendok makan kecap manis (2 tablespoons soy sauce)

Cara membuat(How to make):
Daging dicuci dan dipotong-potong sebesar dadu. Haluskan semua bumbu-bumbu, tambahkan petis, campurkan daging lalu ditumis. Kemudian tambahkan air, direbus sampai masak, lunak dan kuahnya kental.
(Meat is washed and cut into pieces of dice. Blend all ingredients, add the paste, mix and then pan-fried meat. Then add water, boil until cooked, tender and sauce is thick).

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