Bahan (ingredients):
5 buah
wortel (5 carrots)
1 buah
mentimun/ketimun (1 small cucumber)
10 buah
buncis (10 pieces of green beans)
2 sendok
makan cuka (2 tablespoons vinegar)
goreng secukupnya (Cooking oil to taste)
Bumbu (Seasonings):
2 siung
bawang putih (2 cloves garlic)
1 potong
jahe (1 piece of ginger)
1 potong kunyit
(1 piece turmeric)
2 butir
kemiri (Nutmeg 2 eggs)
garam, visin secukupnya (Sugar,
salt, to taste visin)
Membuat (How to Make):
dikupas dan dihilangkan isinya, kemudian diiris tipis-tipis (2 cm) demikian
juga dengan wortel dan buncis. Bumbu dihaluskan dan ditumis, tambahkan air
untuk kuahnya. Kalau sudah mendidih, masuka sayurnya. Tunggu sampai masak baru
(Cucumber peeled and removed its
contents, then sliced thin (2 cm) as well as
carrots and green
beans. Spice paste and fry, add water
to the sauce. If
it is boiling, inputs to the vegetables. Wait until
the new cook up).
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