Bahan (ingredients):
1 bunga kol sedang (1 cauliflower being)
1 ikat kecil sawi hijau (1 small bunch mustard greens)
2-3 sendok makan irisan daun bawang merah/prei (2-3
tablespoons sliced green
onion red / empty)
1 ons udang (1 ounce of shrimp)
½ ons daging (½ ounce of meat)
2 sendok makan minyak goreng (2 tablespoons cooking oil)
Bumbu (Seasonings):
6 siung bawang putih (6 cloves garlic)
½ sendok teh lada halus (½ teaspoon pepper powder)
1-2 sendok makan kecap asin (1-2 tablespoons soy sauce)
Garam dan vitsin secukupnya (Salt to taste and vitsin)
Cara Membuat:
Bersihkan bunga kol, cuci dan potong-potong. Bersihkan pula sawi
hijau dan potog kasar. Pototng daging panjang-panjang. Kupaslah udang, cuci,
dan rebuslah. Memarkan bawang putih lalu ditumis, tambahakn daging, dan udang
lalu tumis terus sampai harum. Masukan kaldu udang 1 gelas. Kemudian tambahkan
bumbu-bumbu lain, direbus sampai daging agak lunak. Terakhir masukan bunga kol.
Bila sudah hamper masak, tambahkan sawi hijau dan saun bawang merah/prei.
to Make)
(Clean cauliflower, washed and cut into pieces. Clean up all potog greens and rough. Pototng long-term meat. Peel shrimp, rinse, and boil. Crushed garlic and sauteed, tambahakn meat, and shrimp and saute until fragrant. Put 1 cup shrimp broth. Then add the other ingredients, boil until the meat is quite tender. Last input cauliflower. If it is almost cooked, add the mustard greens and onions saun / broke)
(Clean cauliflower, washed and cut into pieces. Clean up all potog greens and rough. Pototng long-term meat. Peel shrimp, rinse, and boil. Crushed garlic and sauteed, tambahakn meat, and shrimp and saute until fragrant. Put 1 cup shrimp broth. Then add the other ingredients, boil until the meat is quite tender. Last input cauliflower. If it is almost cooked, add the mustard greens and onions saun / broke)
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