
Daging Masak Tomat (Meat Cooking Tomatoes)

Bahan (Ingredients):
¼ kg daging tanpa lemak  (¼ kg of lean meat)
1 buah bawang Bombay
1 sendok makan kecap manis  (1 tablespoon soy sauce)  
5 sendok makan saus tomat (5 tablespoons of tomato sauce)
1 sendok makan mentega, garam secukupnya (1 tablespoon butter, salt to taste)

Cara Membuat  (How to Make):
Daging dicuci bersih, lalu dipotong-potong segi empat kecil. Bawang Bombay dikupas kulitnya, diiris tipis-tipis. Panaskan mentega tumis irisan bawang Bombay samapi kuning warnanya. Masukan potongan daging, aduk samai rata. Tuangkan air kira-kira 3 cangkir. Rebus terus sampai dagingnya benar-benar empuk. Selanjutnya masukan saus tomat, kecap manis, garam secukupnya, lalu aduk dengan sempurna. Apabila sudah agak kental angkatlah.
Hidangkan bersama kentang buntel, dengan penyajian: kentang buntel dipotong-potong, ditaruh di atas piring sedemikian rupa, tuangkan daging masakn tomat diatasnya. Bila suka sertakan daun kol slada.

(The flesh is washed, then cut into small rectangular pieces. Onion, peeled, thinly sliced. Heat the butter saute the sliced ​​onion till the color yellow. Put pieces of meat, stir flat emulate. Pour about 3 cups. Simmer until the meat is really tender. Next input the tomato sauce, soy sauce, salt to taste, then stir in completely. If the lift is slightly thickened.
Serve with potato wrapping, with presentation: Wrapping the potatoes cut into pieces, placed on a plate in such a way, pour the tomatoes on top of meat masakn. When the likes include cabbage salad

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