
Daging Singgit (Meat Singgit)

Bahan (Ingredients):
¼ kg daging sapi (¼ kg beef)
5 butir bawang merah  (5 red onions)
5 buah cabai merah (5 red chilies)
1 buah tomat besar (1 large tomato)
5 gelas santan kental (5 cups coconut milk)
Garam secukupnya (Salt to taste)

Cara Membuat (How to Make):
Daging dicuci bersih lalu dipotong-potog tipis. Kupas bawang merah, cabai merah dibuang isinya. Kemudian dicuci
Tomat dicuci diiris menjadi beberapa bagian.
Bawang merah, cabai merah, tomat, garam secukupnya ditumbuk hingga halus.
Bumbu ditumis dengan mentega secukupnya, aduk sampai warna menguning.
Kemudian masukan potongan daging, aduklah.
Selanjutnya tuangkan santan kental, aduklah dengan sempurna. Masaklah terus sambil diaduk sampai dagingnya matang dan benar-benar empuk. Apbila kuahnya telah menyusut dan berminyak, angkatlah dan siap dihidangkan.
(Meat is washed and cut into thin potog. Peel the onion, red pepper removed its contents. Then washed
Washed tomatoes sliced ​​into pieces.
Red onions, red peppers, tomatoes, crushed salt to taste until smooth.
Sauteed with butter, seasoning to taste, stirring until the yellow color.
Then input the pieces of meat, stir.
Subsequently pour the coconut milk, stir completely. Continue to cook while stirring until the meat cooked and really tender. Apbila has shrunk and greasy gravy, lift up and ready to serve

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