Bahan (Ingredients):
150 gram
daging (150 grams of meat)
200 gram
wortel diiris memanjang sedang (200
grams of carrots were sliced lengthwise)
200 gram
buncis diiris kasar (Roughly 200 grams of
sliced green beans)
400 gram
kentang (400 grams of potatoes)
100 gram
ercis (100 grams of peas)
20 gram
margarine (20 grams of margarine)
1 mangkok
irisan kasar bawang merah (1 cup sliced
red onion rough)
Bumbu (Seasonings):
½ gelas
susu (½ cup milk)
½ sendok makan garam (½ tablespoon of salt)
½ sendok makan garam (½ tablespoon of salt)
Membuat (How to Make):
direbus sampai lunak. Kentang, buncis, wortel, ercis direbus jadi satu sampai
lunak, kemudian masukan bumbu-bumbu dan tuangkan susunya.
wortel dan parut halus memanjang. Bila daging sudah lunak, tumbuk sampai pipih
dan halus, potong setebal ½ cm.
dengan daging diletakkan di atasnya dan irisan wortel disekelilingnya.
(Meat (+ salt) boiled until tender.
Potatoes, green beans, carrots, peas boiled together until soft, then input the
spices and pour the milk.
Leave finely grated carrots and elongated. When the meat is soft, mash until smooth, flat, cut into ½ cm thick.
Serve with the meat placed on top and slice the carrots around it).
Leave finely grated carrots and elongated. When the meat is soft, mash until smooth, flat, cut into ½ cm thick.
Serve with the meat placed on top and slice the carrots around it).
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