
Cah Daun Packoy Hijau (Green Leaf cah Pakcoy)

Bahan (Ingredients):
3 kuntum daun packoy (3 leaf bud packoy)
3 ons sosis sapi (3 ounces of beef sausage)
1 ons jamur merang (1 ounce of mushroom)
½ butir bawang Bombay (½ Bombay onions)
1 buah paprika (1 small bell pepper)
Garam secukupnya (Salt to taste)

Cara Membuat (How to Make):
Daun packoy di bersihkan kemudian dipotong-potong. Sosis dan jamur merang juga dipotong-potong menurut selera. Tumis bawang Bombay yang telah dirajang sampai layu, masukan potongan paprika, sosis dan jamur merang. Aduk rata, terakhir masukan potongan daun packoy dan garam. Setelah matang angkat dan santap selagi hangat.
(Packoy in the clean leaves and then cut into pieces. Sausage and mushroom is also cut into pieces according to taste. Saute chopped onion until softened, which has been, put pieces of bell pepper, sausage and mushroom. Stir well, last input packoy leaf pieces and salt. Once cooked remove and eat while warm).

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