
Udang Kuah Jeruk (Citrus Shrimp Gravy)

Bahan (Ingredients):
250 gram udang kupas (belah punggungnya) (250 grams of peeled shrimp /(split back)
1 lembar daging asap (potong-potong) (1 slice of bacon (chopped)
200 gram bengkuang (kupas dan dipotong dadu) (200 grams yam (peeled and diced)
200 gram wortel (kupas dan dipotong-potong) (200 grams of carrots (peeled and cut into pieces)
200 gram brokoli (ambil kuntumnya) (200 grams of broccoli (flowerets take)
2 sendok makan air jeruk nipis (2 tablespoons lime juice)
1 sendok makan kecap ABC (1 tablespoon soy sauce ABC)
1 sendok teh minyak wijen (1 teaspoon sesame oil)
2 lembar daun jeruk purut (2 kaffir lime leaves)

3 buah cabai rawit (3 pieces of cayenne pepper)
1 batang peterseli (dirajang) (1 stalk of parsley (chopped)
750 ml kaldu (750 ml broth)
Garam dan lada halus secukupnya (Salt and pepper to taste fine)

Cara Membuat (How to Make):
Didihkan kaldu, masukan udang yang telah direndam dalam 1 sendok makan air jeruk nipis dan garam. Setelah udang berubah warna, masukan daging asap, bengkuang, wortel, dan brokoli. Setelah setengah matang, masukan sisa air jeruk nipis, kecap ABC, minyak wijen, daun jeruk purut, cabai rawit, garam dan lada halus. Terakhir taburi dengan rajangan daun peterseli, angkat, dan siap dihidangkan.
(Boil broth, add the shrimp that had been soaked in 1 tablespoon lime juice and salt. Once the prawns change color, add bacon, yam, carrots, and broccoli. After half cooked, add the remaining lime juice, soy sauce, ABC, sesame oil, lime leaves, chili pepper, salt and pepper powder. Finally sprinkle with chopped parsley, remove from heat, and ready to serve).

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