
Ayam Masak Kluwek (Kluwek Cook chicken)

Ayam Masak Kluwek (Kluwek Cook chicken)

1 ekor ayam (dipotong menjadi 8 bagian) (1 chicken (cut into 8 pieces)
5 buah kluwek yang baik (rendam dalam air panas dan haluskan) (5 kluwek good fruit (soak in hot water and puree)
1 sendok makan bumbu dasar putih (Basic seasoning 1 tablespoon white)
1 sendok makan bumbu dasar merah (1 tablespoon of spice red base)
4 lembar daun jeruk (4 lime leaves)
3 batang sereh (3 stalks lemongrass)

½ sendok teh bubuk kunyit teaspoon of turmeric powder)
2 lembar daun salam (2 bay leaves)
650 ml santan encer (650 ml coconut milk diluted)
5 buah cabai merah (dipotong panjang)
1 genggam daun kemangi (1 handful of basil leaves)
1 sendok teh garam (1 teaspoon salt)
Minyak goreng Filma secukupnya (Filma cooking oil to taste)

Cara Membuat:
Tumis daun jeruk, daun salam, dan sereh hingga harum. Masukan ayam masak hingga berubah warna. Masukan kluwek, bumbu dasar putih, bumbu dasar merah, dan bubuk kunyit. Tummis terus hingga harum, masukan santan encer sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis. Masak hingga bumbu menyerap ke dalam ayam dan santan habis. Masukan cabai merah lalu masak hingga ayam matang. Ankat dan taburkan daun kemangi.
(How to Make)
(Saute lemongrass, bay leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant. Put the chicken and cook until it changes color. Put kluwek, white ground spices, spice red base, and turmeric powder. Tummis continue until fragrant, add coconut milk diluted little by little until exhausted. Cook until the spices soak into the chicken and coconut milk out. Put the red pepper and cook until chicken is cooked. Ankat and sprinkle basil).


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