
Dendeng Ragi(Yeast jerky)

Dendeng Ragi

500 gram daging tanpa lemak
1 kelapa sedang(diparut kasar)
1 potong lengkuas
2 lembar daun salam’1 batang sereh (dipipihkan)
1 butir air kelapa
3 sendok makan minyak goreng

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:
3 siung bawang putih
6 butir bawang merah
1 sendok makan ketumbar sagan
5 butir kemiri50 gram gula merah
2 sendok makan air asam jawa
Garam secukupnya

Cara Membuat:
Daging di potong tipis-tipis lalu dimasak bersama air kelapa, bumbu kasar dan yang di haluskan. Masak sampai daging empuk. Jika air berkurang dan daging belum empuk, tambahkan air. Sebelum air mengering tambahkan parutan kelapa, aduk sering-sering dan masak dengan api kecil. Masak sampai kelapa kecoklatan.


Yeast jerky
500 grams of lean meat
1 coconut is (roughly grated)
1 piece of galangal
2 stems lemon grass leaves salam'1 (flattened)
Coconut milk 1 egg
3 tablespoons cooking oil
Spices that are:
3 cloves garlic
6 red onions
1 tablespoon coriander Sagan
5 grams of sugar grains kemiri50
2 tablespoons tamarind water
Salt to taste
How to Make:
Meat in thin slices and cooked with coconut milk, spices and that in the coarse puree. Cook until meat is tender. If the water is reduced and the meat not tender, add water. Before the water dries add the grated coconut, stir frequently and cook over low heat. Cook until the coconut turns golden brown.

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