
Pepes Tahu (Tofu Pepes)

Bahan (Ingredients):
1 tahu putih (1 out of white)
2 butir telur ayam (2 chicken eggs)
50 gram sumsum sapi (50 grams of beef marrow)
50 cc santan kanil (50 cc coconut milk kanil)
6 tangkai daun bawang(dipotong serong) (6 stalks green onion (cut oblique)
4 tangkai kemangi (diambil daunnya) (4 stalks of basil (leaves taken)
3 buah cabai merah (dipotong serong) (3 red chilies (cut oblique)

8 lembr daun salam (8 sheets bay leaves)
½ sendok teh merica halus (½ teaspoon pepper)
8 buah cabai rawit (8 pieces cayenne pepper)
6 butir bawang merah (dirajang halus) (6 red onions (finely chopped)
Garam dan daun pisang secukupnya (Salt to taste and a banana leaf)

Cara Membuat:
Tahu dilumatkan, campur dengan telur, sumsum, santan, daun bawang cabai merah, bawang merah, mericca halus, dan garam. Setelah tercampur rata, ambil daun pisang letakkan dua sendok makan adonan tahu, tambahkan selembar daun salam, kemangi, dan cabai rawit. Bungkus lalu ukus selama 2o menit.
(How to Make):
(Know crushed, mixed with eggs, marrow, milk, green onions red peppers, red onion, finely mericca, and salt. Once well blended, take a banana leaf put two tablespoons of batter out, add the bay leaf, basil, and cayenne pepper. Wrap and steamed for 20 minutes).

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