
Mie Jamur Tauge (Mushroom Noodles Sprouts)

Bahan (Ingredients):
Mie telur 200 gram (200 grams of egg noodles)
Timun/ paprika merah (Cucumber / red peppers)
Kubis (Cabbage)
5 buah Jamur kuping kering (Rendam air panas sampai lunak) (5 pieces of dried ear mushrooms (Soak the hot water until soft

50 gram tauge (50 grams of bean sprouts)
1 sendok teh kecap ikan (1 teaspoon fish sauce)
4 sendok teh kecap asin (4 teaspoons soy sauce)
1 batang bawang prey (Onion 1 stalk prey)
100 ml gram kaldu ayam  (100 g ml chicken stock)
1 buah bawang Bombay (1 small onion)

Cara Membuat:
Iris tipis kubis, timun, jamur. Rebus mie telur dalam air yang sudah dicampur 1 sendok makan miyak. Tumis Bombay, paprika,bawang prey sampai halus. Masukan kaldu ayam beri kecap asin dan kecap ikan. Kemudian masukan semua bahan dan masak hingga matang.
(How to Make):
(Thinly sliced
​​cabbage, cucumbers, mushrooms. Boil egg noodles that are mixed in water 1 tablespoon miyak. Saute Bombay, peppers, onions until soft prey. Put the chicken broth and soy sauce give the fish sauce. Then input all the ingredients and cook until done).

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