
Daging Sapi Panggang(Baked Beef)

Daging Sapi Panggang(Baked Beef)

Bumbu (Seasonings):
500 gram daging sapi (500 grams of beef)
2 sendok makan saus tomat (2 tablespoons tomato sauce)
2 sendok makan saus cabai (2 tablespoons chili sauce)
1 sendok teh beras merah (1 teaspoon of brown rice)
1 sendok the gula (1 teaspoon of sugar)
1 sendok makan kecap (1 tablespoon soy sauce)
1 sendok the bubuk bawang (1 teaspoon onion powder)

Cara Membuat:
Potong daging sapi menjadi lima bagian kemudian kukus bersama semua saus dan bumbu selama 120 menit.
 (How to Make)
(Cut beef into five parts and then steamed with all the sauces and condiments for 120 minutes).

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