
Serabut Telur Goreng(Fibers of a fried egg)

Serabut Telur Goreng(Fibers of a fried egg)

5 butir telur ayam (5 eggs)
200 gram sosis (belah dua dan potong serong) (200 grams of sausage (cut in half and cut oblique))
200 gram udang (kupas) (200 grams of shrimp (peeled))
200 gram daging ayam (potong dadu) (200 grams chicken (diced))
2 sendok makan mentega (2 tablespoons butter)

5 siung bawang putih (dicincang) (5 cloves garlic (chopped))
7 butir bawang merah (dirajang) (7 red onions (chopped))
3 sendok makan kecap asin (3 tablespoons soy sauce)
3 sendok makan kecap manis (3 tablespoons soy sauce)
2 sendok makan kecap inggris (2 tablespoons soy sauce english)
1 sendok teh lada halus (1 teaspoon pepper powder)
3 sendok makan saus cabai (3 tablespoons chili sauce)
150 gram toge (buang akarnya) (150 grams of sprouts (discard roots))
50 gram kucai (potong-potong 2cm)
(50 g chives (cut into 2cm pieces))
4 buah cabai merah/1 paprika (potong serong) (4 red chilies / 1 bell pepper (cut oblique))

Cara membuat:
Telur dikocok beri garam dan lada halus secukupnya, kemudian dadar menjadi beberapa lembar. Gulung dadar dan kemudian potong-potong.
Panaskan mentega lalu tumis bawang putih dan bawang merah sampai wangi, masukan potongan sosis, udang, dan ayam. Aduk rata kemudian masukan kecap asin, kecap masnis, kecap inggris, lada, dan saus cabai. Aduk sampai ayam dan udang berubah warna, beri air secukupnya dan rasakan. Jika kurang asin dapat ditambah sedikit garam. Aduk sampai semua bahan  cukup matang, baru masukan kucai, taoge, cabai merah, dan telur dadar, aduk sebentar lalu angkat. 
(How to make:
Eggs beaten with salt and pepper powder to taste, then scrambled into several pieces. Roll the omelet and then cut into pieces.
Heat the butter and saute garlic and onion until fragrant, add pieces of sausage, shrimp, and chicken. Stir well then input soy sauce, soy sauce masnis, english sauce, pepper, and chili sauce. Stir until the chicken and shrimp change color, give water to taste and feel. If less salt can add a little salt. Stir until all ingredients are cooked enough, the new input chives, bean sprouts, red peppers, and scrambled eggs, stir briefly and remove from heat).


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