
Kerang Masak Pedas (Scallpo Black Pepper)

Kerang Masak Pedas (Scallpo Black Pepper)

Bahan (ingredients):
500 gram scallop/kerang (500 grams of scallops / oysters)
100 gram paprika hijau (potong kasar) (100 grams of green pepper (cut into rough) )
100 gram bawang Bombay (potong kasar) (100 grams of onion (rough cut)
1 sendok teh lada hitam bubuk  (1 teaspoon black pepper powder)
2 Sendok makan saus tomat  (2 Spoon the tomato sauce)1
sendok makan saus manggi (1 tablespoon sauce manggi)

1 sendok teh gula pasir (1 teaspoon granulated sugar)
1 sendok makan saus cabai  (1 tablespoon chili sauce)
1 sendok the bubuk bawang putih (1 teaspoon garlic powder)
3 putih telur  (200 grams of corn starch)
200 gram tepung sagu (3 egg whites)
Mentega secukupnya (butter to taste)

Cara Membuat:
Campur Kerang dengan putih telur dan tepung sagu kemudian digoreng dengan mentega hingga setengah matang. Masukan potongan paprika dan bawang Bombay, tumis hingga layu lalu masukan semua saus dan bumbunya. Aduk rata alu angkat dan hidangkan.
(How to Make)
(Mix the egg white shells with corn starch and then fried in butter until half cooked. Put pieces of bell pepper and onion, saute until wilted and then enter all the sauces and seasonings. Stir well and serve up the pestle).

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